PS. 118:8
"The center Verse of the Bible"
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"A friend loveth at all times...” Proverbs 17:17a
“With regards to the social question in the world, in 1929 a Spanish thinker by the name of Ortega y Gasset wrote a book that really shook up the world titled, ‘The Revolt of the Masses.’ He was talking about the appearance on the world stage of new individuals.
He was writing about the growth of the population and the appearance of new individuals coming in to the mass of humanity. And these individuals evidently are (what he described as) ‘barbarians.’....
“They came too suddenly to be educated, and for the knowledge of how to keep the Western way of life alive. These (barbarian) people have increased (in numbers), and now they have taken over power (in the world).
So now we are in the hands of ‘barbarians.’ They have no idea of how our society came to be, and what is necessary to keep it going. They are fiddling with the controls: You might think of a monkey flying a 747 (airplane) -- they don’t have any idea what they are doing. And this is not going to end well with the barbarians at the controls.
We don’t have people who write books in power any more. I remember when a Prime Minister of England was a skilled musician and wrote books before he became Prime Minister. Where do we have such people in power today? We don’t have scholars or people with a true background of education, history, economics and politics.
They are all working on the spur of the moment. They are experimenting to see if this works and that works. And I have very serious doubts about the survival of our civilization under such people. I expect that a great crisis is coming. We are going to see a great separation and some people are just not going to make it, and the old truths are going to come back into fashion because of the need for survival.”
“I think we are going to see a series of bankruptcies. I think the rise in interest rates is the fatal sign which is going to ignite a derivatives crisis. This is going to bring down the derivatives system (and the financial system).
“It’s an extraordinary machine,” said Seth Teller, a professor at MIT who, along with colleague Russ Tedrake, leads one of the groups selected to receive an Atlas. “They’ve done a fantastic job on these machines; it’s been a real pleasure to see and touch and use the real hardware.”The teams given Atlas robots will have to develop control software that will allow human controllers to operate the robots despite significant time delays—a constraint designed to mimic the challenge of operating from through the walls of a crumbling nuclear plant, or at a far-flung distance. The strategy adopted by Teller’s team involves having the human operator break each high-level mission into a series of smaller tasks, and guide the robot through a performance of each task. “Existing teleoperation systems impose too much cognitive load on the operator. One major aspect of the DARPA challenge is finding a way of commanding these robots that reduces that burden,” Teller said.
Asked what kinds of innovations Atlas could inspire beyond emergency work, he said humanoid robots could perhaps one day find a job in health care. “I know this robot looks big, and I know it weighs 300 pounds, but the number-one use for machines of this type is going to be in home care and health care,” he said.
ATLAS may used for depopulation project of Illuminati Group. This is not for helping the humanities but to reduce the number of people into 90% and 10% was live.